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Từ vựng topic "generation gap"IELTS

December 30, 2021

Bên cạnh hướng dẫn Phân tích và sửa chi tiết đề thi IELTS SPEAKING 4/8, IELTS TUTOR tổng hợp Từ vựng topic "generation gap"IELTS

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Từ vựng topic "generation gap"


  • afford /ə'fɔ:d/ (v.) có khả năng chi trả  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  PHÂN BIỆT "AFFORD & AFFORDABLE" TIẾNG ANH
  • attitude /'ætɪtju:d/ (n.) thái độ
  • burden /'bɜ:dn/ (n.) gánh nặng
  • casual /'kæʒuəl/ (adj.) bình thường, thường ngày
  • comfortable /'kʌmftəbl/ (adj.) thoải mái, dễ chịu
  • compare /kəm'peə(r)/ (v.) so sánh
  • conflict / kɒnflɪkt/ (n.) cuộc xung đột  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng trạng từ"mostly"tiếng anh 
  • control /kən'trəʊl/ (v.) điểu khiển, chỉ đạo  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng danh từ "control" tiếng anh
  • curfew /'kə:fju:/ (n.) lệnh giới nghiêm
  • dye /daɪ/ (v.) nhuộm
  • elegant /'elɪgənt/ (adj.) thanh lịch, tao nhã
  • flashy /'flæʃi/ (adj.) diện, hào nhoáng
  • forbid /fə'bɪd/ (v.) cấm, ngăn cấm
  • force /fɔ:s/ (v.) bắt buộc
  • frustrating /frʌs'treɪtɪŋ/ (adj.) khó chịu, bực mình
  • interact /ˌɪntə'rækt/ (v.) tương tác, giao tiếp
  • judge /dʒʌdʒ/ (v.) phán xét, đánh giá  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ "judge" tiếng anh
  • mature /mə'tʃʊə(r)/ (adj.) trưởng thành, chín chắn
  • norm /nɔ:m/ (n.) chuẩn mực
  • obey /ə'beɪ/ (v.) vâng lời, tuân thủ
  • pierce /pɪəs/ (v.) xấu khuyên (tai, mũi.)
  • rude /ru:d/ (adj.) thô lỗ, lỗ mãng
  • sibling /'sɪblɪŋ/ (n.) anh/ chị/ em ruột
  • skinny /skɪni/ (adj.) bó sát, ôm sát
  • spit /spɪt/ (v.) khạc nhổ
  • swear /sweə(r)/ (v) thề, chửi thề
  • tight /taɪt/ (adj.) bó sát, chật  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ "narrow" tiếng anh
  • trend /trend/ (n.) xu hướng
  • trivial /'trɪviəl/ (adj.) nhỏ nhặt/ lặt vặt
  • value /'vælju:/ (n.) giá trị
  • brand name /brænd neɪm/ (compound n.) nhãn hiệu, thương hiệu
  • bridge the gap /brɪdʒ ðə gæp/ (idiom) giảm thiểu sự khác biệt
  • change one's mind /tʃeɪndʒ wʌnz maɪnd/ (idiom) thay đổi quan điểm  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng động từ "change" tiếng anh

III. Bài tập topic "generation gap"

Question 1: Over the past few years, in both the USA and the UK, the number of multi- generational households with three or four _________ living under the same roof has increased.

A. generations B. generators C. generates D. generation

Question 2: High____________ rates, part-time work and low-paid jobs have forced young adults to move back with their parents. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng danh từ "rate" tiếng anh

A. employment B. unemployment C. unemployable D. unemployed

Question 3: In addition, families now face higher costs of________________ and heavier pressures of both childcare and elderly care.

A. house B. housing C. household D. accommodation

Question 4: Living under the same roof with three or four generations can be frustrating because of the lack of space, independence and privacy, and the daily _______________ brought about by differences in values and attitudes.

A. arguments B. debates C. conflicts D. quarrel

Question 5: When living with members of their_______________ family, young children can develop relationships with adults.

A. nuclear B. single C. extended D. big >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng tính từ "developing"

Question 6:_____________ history, there have always been conflicts between parents and their teenage children.

A. During B. Through C. Throughout . D. In

Question 7: No matter how old their_______________ children are, most parents still treat them like small kids.

A. teen B. teenage C. youthful D. teeny

Question 8: As children grow up, they want to be more______________ , create their own opinions, and make their own decisions.

A. dependent B. dependable C. independent D. undependable

Question 9: Parents may think that these clothes_________ rules and norms of society, or distract them from schoolwork. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng động từ "distract" & cụm "distract (so's) attention

A. take B. break C. disobey D. follow

Question 10: Parents may think that their children should spend their time in a more useful way rather than playing computer games or _________ online.

A. talking B. speaking C. chatting D. saying

Question 11: Conflicts also_______________ from different interests between parents and their children.

A. rise B. arise C. raise D. increase

Question 12: Some parents may try to impose their choices of university or career on their children regardless of their children’s ___________ .

A. hobbies B. interests C. preferences D. ambitions

Question 13: _______________ communication can really help to create mutual trust and understanding between parents and their teenage children. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng động từ "trust" tiếng anh

A. Friendly B. Close C. Closing D. Personal

Question 14: Generation gaps play big roles in businesses because companies must find ways to _________ the needs and views of individuals from differing age groups.

A. equalize B. level C. balance D. acquaint

Question 15: Generation gap is simply a natural ________ and it is better to leave it at that rather than trying to meddle with it and regretting.

A. phenomenon B. phenomena C. situation D. case

Question 16: The best way of narrowing the gap is to________ the young and the old into a team with an understanding that each of them would respect their experiences independently for the benefit of the team with no questions asked. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng liên từ "and" tiếng anh

A. push B. pool C. pull D. put

Question 17: Every generation has a different __________ and different way of looking at situations.

A. attitude B. aspect C. perspective D. perceptive

Question 18: More and more parents and their offspring agree that they just can’t understand

A. one another B. together C. each other D. themselves

Question 19: Communication plays an important role in bridging gaps not only ___________ parents and children but also every relationship that we can think of. >> IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Từ vưng topic Internet - communication IELTS

A, within B. among C. between D. both

Question 20: The many differences between us and our parents and grandparents which not only includes the physical barriers but also attitudinal, perceptive, conventional life styled scenarios has divided the world again into its crevasses.

A. customarily B. traditional C. fateful D. old-fashioned

III. Bài nghe topic "CHILDHOOD"

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