Cách dùng danh từ"shrinkage"tiếng anh

· Noun

Bên cạnh Phân tích và sửa chi tiết đề thi IELTS SPEAKING 4/8/2020 [Audio+Transcript], IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng danh từ"shrinkage"tiếng anh

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Cách dùng danh từ"shrinkage"

1."shrinkage"là danh từ không đếm được

2. Cách dùng

2.1. Mang nghĩa"bị giảm sút"

=Shrinkage is a decrease in the size or amount of something.


  • shrinkage of sth
  • sales/deficit/brand shrinkage
  • shrinkage in sth

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Conservatives are not happy about the private sector's shrinkage and the public sector's expansion. 
  • A permanent shrinkage in supplies would severely damage today's oil-based economy. 
  • He expects employment to grow by 1.9% this year compared to a shrinkage of 0.4% last year. 
  • Two years of double-digit sales shrinkage have hurt the industry.
  • There has been some shrinkage in our export trade. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: Đã có phần giảm xuống trong thương mại xuất khẩu của chúng ta)
  • Expect some shrinkage when you wash this garment for the first time.

2.2. Mang nghĩa"bị hao hụt"

=the loss of goods for sale because of damage, stealing, etc.:


  • inventory/stock shrinkage

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Allow for some shrinkage in both length and width.
  •  ...a shrinkage in industrial output.
  • Synthetic fabrics are less susceptible to shrinkage than natural ones. 
  • We lose 5% of our stock through shrinkage. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: Chúng tôi đã mất 5% hàng hóa bị hao hụt.)
  • Research increasingly shows a substantial thinning of Arctic ice and 5 percent shrinkage in its overall cover.
  • Financial support for the university has undergone substantial shrinkage.
  • The retailer's stores lose about $1m a week from shrinkage.

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