Paraphrase tính từ"Prevalent/popular"tiếng anh

· Paraphrase

Bên cạnh Paraphrase tính từ"Prevalent/popular"tiếng anh, IELTS TUTOR cũng cung cấp thêm PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI 30/5/2020 IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (kèm bài sửa HS đạt 6.5)


  • Widespread

    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The flu was widespread across the country, affecting millions of people.

  • Common

    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: It is common for people to experience anxiety before a big exam.

  • Pervasive

  • Ubiquitous

  • Rampant

    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: Corruption is rampant in many developing countries, making it difficult to achieve progress.

  • Dominant

    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The dominant culture in the region was heavily influenced by the religion practiced by the majority.

  • Standard

    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The standard method for solving this type of math problem involves using algebraic equations.

  • Established

    • IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ: The established tradition of family dinners every Sunday was deeply ingrained in their family culture.

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