Cách dùng tính từ"adverse"tiếng anh

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Bên cạnh Phân tích và sửa chi tiết đề thi IELTS SPEAKING 4/8/2020 [Audio+Transcript], IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng tính từ"adverse"tiếng anh

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Cách dùng tính từ"adverse"tiếng anh

Mang nghĩa"bất lợi, có hại"

=negative, unpleasant, or harmful an adverse reaction from the public adverse consequences


  • have an adverse effect on
  • adverse effect/impact/change
  • adverse conditions/consequences/circumstances
  • adverse reaction/side-effect

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The drug has so far had no adverse effect on patients.
  • likely to cause problems adverse weather conditions
  • The match has been cancelled because of adverse weather conditions. 
  • They received a lot of adverse publicity/criticism about the changes. 
  • So far the drug is thought not to have any adverse effects.
  • Smoking is adverse to health. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: Hút thuốc lá có hại cho sức khỏe)
  • A court can draw an adverse inference. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: Một quan tòa có thể đưa ra một kết luận bất lợi)
  • There are adverse effects of traditional methods. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: Có những tác dụng bất lợi của phương pháp truyền thống)
  • A chain reaction of adverse events in the financial markets has put lenders under severe pressure. 
  • Recent bad publicity has had an adverse effect on sales. 
  • Many experts believe it may be too late to prevent adverse consequences to the world's climate system. 
  • Some people have adverse reactions to additives and preservatives used in many foods.

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