Cách dùng động từ"present"tiếng anh

· Verb

Bên cạnh Sửa bài IELTS SPEAKING PART 1-2-3 topic Work/Study(Sửa & Làm lại 4 lần - HS đạt 7.5), IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng động từ"present"tiếng anh

I. Kiến thức liên quan

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng "represent" tiếng anh

II. Cách dùng động từ"present"

1."present" là ngoại động từ

2. Cách dùng

2.1. Mang nghĩa"đưa, trình, nộp"

=When you present information, you give it to people in a formal way.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms. 
  • We presented three options to the unions for discussion. 
  • In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.

2.2. Mang nghĩa"bày ra, phô ra"

=If something presents a difficulty, challenge, or opportunity, it causes it or provides it/If an opportunity or problem presents itself, it occurs, often when you do not expect it.


  • present someone with something
  • present a problem/difficulty

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • This presents a problem for many financial consumers.
  • The future is going to be one that presents many challenges.
  • This summer school presents an opportunity to experience all aspects of dance. 
  • Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.
  • Their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself.
  • A further obstacle has presented itself, however.
  • It was argued that the group’s activities presented a threat to national security.  
  • Despite its free-market reforms, the country still presents foreign investors with a challenge. 
  • The task should present no difficulty for someone of her experience.

2.3. Mang nghĩa"trình bày, dâng (để ai (xem) xét)"

=to show something such as a passport to someone in an official position so that they can check it


  • present something to someone

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The soldiers stopped them and said they must present their papers. 
  • To present the credentials (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: trình quốc thư)
  • To present a petition (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: đưa một bản kiến nghị)
  • To present a cheque for payment (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: nộp séc để lĩnh tiền)
  • He presented his passport to the guard for inspection.

2.4. Mang nghĩa"bày tỏ, trình bày, biểu thị, ngỏ lời"

=to express something such as greetings to someone

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • He has asked me to present his apologies for his absence.

2.5. Mang nghĩa"giới thiệu (chương trình nào đó)"

=If someone presents a programme on television or radio, they introduce each item in it/to show someone or something in a particular way so that people have a particular opinion about them


  • present someone/something as something
  • present yourself as something

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • She presents a monthly magazine programme on the BBC.
  • The film presents a disturbing image of youth culture. 
  • Despite the disagreements, they managed to present a united front.  
  • Statistics can be used to challenge theories that are presented as facts. 
  • In the run-up to the elections he sought to present himself as a family man.

2.6. Mang nghĩa"giới thiệu ai với ai, chương trình gì"

=When someone presents something such as a production of a play or an exhibition, they organize it/If you present someone to someone else, often an important person, you formally introduce them.


  • present someone to someone

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The Lyric Theatre is presenting a new production of 'Over the Bridge'.
  • Fox stepped forward, welcomed him, and presented him to Jack. 
  • Allow me to present my cousin, Mr Zachary Colenso.
  • Miss Abbott, may I present my nephew George Langley? 
  • They hovered around, hoping to be presented to the Queen.

2.7. Mang nghĩa"trao thưởng"

=If you present someone with something such as a prize or document, or if you present it to them, you formally give it to them/to give something to someone formally or officially


  • present someone with something
  • present something to someone

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception. 
  • The Prime Minister presented the prizes.
  • The group intended to present this petition to the parliament.
  • Hannah was the guest of honour and presented the prizes. 
  • We are very pleased to have been presented with this prestigious award. 
  • Finally the mayor presented the medals to the winners.

2.8. Mang nghĩa"trình bày (vấn đề, bài phát biểu, cái gì đó như thế nào)

=If you present someone or something in a particular way, you describe them in that way.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The government has presented these changes as major reforms. 
  • To present the question very cleary (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: trình bày vấn đề một cách rất rõ ràng)
  • The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers. 
  • In Europe, Aga Khan III presented himself in a completely different light.

2.9. Mang nghĩa"thể hiện, trình diện"

=The way you present yourself is the way you speak and act when meeting new people/If someone or something presents a particular appearance or image, that is how they appear or try to appear.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • ...all those tricks which would help him to present himself in a more confident way in public.
  • The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight.
  • To present oneself (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: trình diện; dự thi; nảy sinh, xuất hiện, bộc lộ ra)
  • To present oneself before the jury (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: trình diện trước ban giám khảo)
  • In presenting a more professional image the party risks losing its individuality. 
  •  ...presenting a calm and dignified face to the world at large.

2.10. Mang nghĩa"xuất hiện, có mặt"

=If you present yourself somewhere, you officially arrive there, for example for an appointment.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • She was told to present herself at the Town Hall at 11.30 for the induction ceremony.
  • We presented ourselves to the authorities promptly.

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