Từ vựng & ideas topic food waste IELTS

· Vocabulary

Bên cạnh Hướng dẫn đề thi IELTS 21/11/2020 bài WRITING TASK 1 (map) về school library (kèm bài sửa cho HS đi thi), IELTS TUTOR tổng hợp Từ vựng & ideas topic food waste IELTS

I. Kiến thức liên quan

IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Từ Vựng Topic Food IELTS

II. Từ vựng & ideas topic food waste IELTS

1. Từ vựng


  • ever-increasing trend: xu hướng ngày càng tay 
  • discard food waste: bỏ thức ăn thừa 
  • overbuy: mua quá nhiều 
  • feasible solution (n): giải pháp khả thi 
  • expiration (n): (sự) hết hạn sử dụng >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng danh từ "variety" tiếng anh 
  • food safety (n): an toàn thực phẩm 
  • food poisoning (n): ngộ độc thực phẩm 
  • edible food (n): thực phẩm có thể ăn được / an toàn cho sự tiêu hóa 
  • to be spoiled (with food) (adj): hư, ôi thiu 
  • produce (n): nông sản 
  • compost (n): phân bón 
  • safe for consumption (adj): có thể ăn được food label (n): nhãn thực phẩm
  • have a staggering price tag: có giá đắt >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn   PHÂN TÍCH ĐỀ THI 30/5/2020 IELTS WRITING TASK 2 (kèm bài sửa HS đạt 6.5)
  • put unneeded strain on: gây áp lực không cần thiết lên 
  • provide enough sustenance: cung cấp đủ dinh dưỡng 
  • the higher standard of living: mức sống cao hơn 
  • the depreciation of food: sự giảm giá trị của thức ăn 
  • make up for: chiếm bao nhiêu.. 
  • be cultivated an appreciation of food: được giáo dục sự quý trọng thức ăn 
  • boil down to: được gây ra bởi 
  • the exponential rise: sự gia tăng theo cấp số nhân 
  • combat food waste: chiến đấu với việc bỏ thừa đổ ăn 
  • develop some action plans: phát triển các kế hoạch hành động 
  • Have a thorough plan of what they are going to buy: Có kê hoạch cẩn thận về những gì họ định mua 
  • Vague ideas of what meals or foodstuffs they might consume: Ý tưởng mờ nhạt về bữa ăn hay thức ăn mà họ định tiêu thụ 
  • Poor choices for their diet: Những lựa chọn tệ cho chế độ ăn của họ >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Sửa bài IELTS SPEAKING PART 1-2-3 topic Work/Study(Sửa & Làm lại 4 lần - HS đạt 7.5)
  • Saves a lot of unnecessary food: Tiết kiệm rất nhiều thực phẩm không cần thiết
  • raise customers’ awareness of food appreciation: nâng cao nhận thức về sự quý trọng đồ ăn 
  • conscious consumer & mindful eater: người tiêu dùng tỉnh táo và người thưởng thức có tâm 
  • shape a sustainable future: hình thành một tương lai bền vững 
  • require all edible food surplus to be offered to hungry people: yêu cầu những thức ăn thừa có thể ăn được cung cấp cho người đói 
  • stop demanding perfectly-shaped grub: ngừng yêu cầu những thức ăn có hình dạng hoàn hảo 
  • food redistribution charities: tổ chức tình nguyện phân phát lại thức ăn thừa

2. Ideas


  • food products = food items = foodstuffs: thực phẩm
  • People dispose of large amounts of food products
  • Food wastage
  • Consumers buy food without properly planning about when or how to make use of the products
  • Changes in work schedules or appointments
  • People can end up changing their meal options or forgetting to use the products before their expiration
  • A great amount of food bought from shops and restaurants is being thrown away irresponsibly
  • Thanks to advanced agricultural technologies, farming has become increasingly mechanised, which accelerates production and helps to maximize harvests. 
  • The way food is transported, stored and distributed has also become more and more streamlined (được cải tiến hoặc làm cho đơn giản hơn) than ever before. 
  • The price of food in shops and restaurants has reduced significantly, making it all the easier for consumers to purchase large quantities of food, and waste it without a second thought.
  • People often buy more than they need 
  • Food waste is mainly a result of individuals ordering or purchasing too much food. 
  • Many people order extra when dining out to ensure they are not hungry at the end of the meal. 
  • Humans are a planning and predicting animal and this is a natural instinct. 
  • Ambitious shoppers intending to cook a variety of dishes during the week, may buy a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables. 
  • If they are busy or cannot summon the initiative, the produce will spoil within a few days and they will have to throw it out and make other plans.
  • A reinforcing cycle of over-eating by obese consumers can lead to greater food waste. 
  • People order or buy more than they need and stuff themselves at every meal. 
  • Over time, this becomes an ingrained habit, and they purchase increasingly greater quantities of food, some of which will naturally go bad or be thrown out if they cannot finish it.
  • People throw away an obscene amount of food, either old groceries or leftovers from eating out.  >> IELTS  TUTOR  hướng  dẫn  Cách dùng danh từ"leftover"tiếng anh
  • This wastage is caused by the increasing affordability of food
  • Owing to advanced agricultural technologies and improved trade, enormous quantities of food can now be grown and produced inexpensively, resulting in their cheaper prices
  • People’s wealth has increased steadily over the years, which means it is easier to justify throwing away unfinished or unwanted food
  • Prevent food from being disposed of irresponsibly
  • Restaurants can charge extra for dishes that are ordered but not finished
  • Make diners more thoughtful about their orders
  • Change the public’s attitude towards responsible food consumption
  • Punitive measures
  • Drastically reducing food waste requires changing consumers’ mindset
  • Due to fear of food poisoning, many people throw away edible food just because it is past its best-before or sell-by dates, not because it has spoiled
  • For consumers, the most important thing they can do is plan their meals, or more specifically, the ingredients they need, for the week so as to avoid over-purchasing
  • Food companies or retailers should strive to educate consumers about different labels on their products, as well as how to make sure the food is still safe for consumption
  • Increasingly cheaper food products and poor meal planning are two primary reasons contributing to the huge amount of food waste occurring these days. 
  • Fortunately, there are various effective solutions to tackle this issue, including penalizing restaurant customers who waste food and making detailed shopping lists.
  • Lack of meal plans and health concerns are the principle reasons why people waste food, and this issue can be tackled by planning a list of ingredients to buy and introducing customers to food labels
  • Consumers are failing to make a detailed plan of what they are going to buy before they shop. Consequently, their shopping carts are often full of food products that they might never use.
  • The first solution would be for restaurants to make their customers think twice about what dishes they are going to order. This can be done by imposing a heavy fine on diners who order too many dishes but cannot finish them.
  • People should develop a habit of making a list of ingredients and foodstuffs that they really need before going shopping. 
  • This would help consumers to have time to prepare carefully and decide wisely what food items should be bought, which would prevent a great deal of food from being thrown away.

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