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Cách dùng tính từ"conscious"tiếng anh

May 16, 2023

Bên cạnh Phân tích và sửa chi tiết đề thi IELTS SPEAKING 4/8/2020 [Audio+Transcript], IELTS TUTOR hướng dẫn Cách dùng tính từ"conscious"tiếng anh

I. Kiến thức liên quan

II. Cách dùng tính từ"conscious"tiếng anh

1. Mang nghĩa"nhận ra, biết rõ"

=If you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening/If you are conscious of something, you think about it a lot, especially because you are unhappy about it or because you think it is important.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • He was conscious of the faint, musky aroma of aftershave. 
  • She was very conscious of Max studying her. 
  • Conscious that he was becoming light-headed again, he went over to the window.
  •  I'm very conscious of my weight. 
  • He is acutely conscious that this transition will bring with it the risk of social unrest.

2. Mang nghĩa"tỉnh dậy, tỉnh táo, hồi tỉnh"

=Someone who is conscious is awake rather than asleep or unconscious.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • She was fully conscious all the time and knew what was going on.
  • He was in a coma for days , but now he's fully conscious again (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: anh ta bị hôn mê nhiều ngày, nhưng bây giờ đã hoàn toàn hồi tỉnh)
  • She spoke to us in her conscious moments (IELTS TUTOR giải thích: cô ta nói với chúng tôi trong những lúc tỉnh táo)

3. Mang nghĩa"quyết định... (nghiêm túc)"

=A conscious decision or action is made or done deliberately with you giving your full attention to it.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • I don't think we ever made a conscious decision to have a big family. 
  • Make a conscious effort to relax your muscles.

4. Mang nghĩa"trí nhớ, hồi ức (rõ ràng)"

=Conscious memories or thoughts are ones that you are aware of.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • He had no conscious memory of his four-week stay in hospital. 
  • Beneath the conscious mind there are many levels of the unconscious.

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