Cách dùng"followed by...."tiếng anh

· Cách dùng từ

Dùng"followed by" khi đang liệt kê, cái gì theo sau....

=You use followed by to say what comes after something else in a list or ordered set of things.

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The chart illustrates the percentage of energy consumption by various sectors in 2005, with the industrial sector leading the way, followed by the residential and commercial sectors.
  • Potatoes are still the most popular food, followed by white bread.
  • In the bar graph, the number of tourists visiting the city peaked in July, followed by a gradual decline in the subsequent months.
  • The pie chart depicts the distribution of household expenses, with housing expenses accounting for the highest percentage, followed by transportation and food costs.
  • There was a brief silence, followed by uproar. (IELTS TUTOR giải thích:  Tiếp theo một khoảng im lặng ngắn ngủi là tiếng hò hét phản đối)
  • The line graph shows the fluctuation in temperature throughout the year, with summer months exhibiting the highest temperatures, followed by a gradual decrease in the fall and winter.
  • The table compares the GDP growth rates of different countries, with China experiencing the highest growth, followed by India and the United States.
  • The process diagram outlines the steps involved in manufacturing a smartphone, starting with raw material extraction, followed by various production stages.
  • The flowchart outlines the procedure for applying for a visa, beginning with the submission of required documents, followed by an interview at the embassy.
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