Cách dùng động từ "take" tiếng anh

· Cách dùng từ

I. Take là ngoại động từ

II. Cách dùng

1. Mang nghĩa "đem đi, lấy đi một vật hoặc một người từ vị trí gần người nói đi ra xa phía người nói"

=to move something or someone from one place to another


  • take someone to/into/around something
  • take someone/something along (=with you)
  • take someone/something for something
  • take someone/something to do something
  • take someone something
  • take something to someone

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Don’t forget to take an extra pair of shoes.
  • Remember to take a pen with you.
  • What time do you take Amy to school?
  • We took the plants into the greenhouse.
  • The cat had to be taken to the vet.
  • take this letter to the post (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: hãy mang bức thư này ra bưu điện)
  • take your father this glass of water (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: bưng lên cho bố con cốc nước này)
  • Our guide took us around the cathedral.
  • On long journeys I always take my dog along.
  • We took my mother for a drive in the country.
  • We took him to catch his train.
  • Take Debbie this cup of coffee, will you?
  • Let’s take the presents to them tonight.

2. Mang nghĩa "làm ai phải di chuyển, mang ai đến đâu (nghĩa bóng)"

=to cause someone to move somewhere / to cause someone or something to be in a new position or condition


  • take someone into/out of/up/through etc something
  • take someone to court
  • take someone hostage/prisoner

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • My old job took me into the city a lot. 
  • The steps took us up to a cave in the cliff. 
  • The journey will take you through some beautiful scenery.
  • Her amazing energy has taken her to the top of her profession. 
  • acts that took the country into war 
  • They’ll take us to court if we don’t pay up soon.
  • Bank robbers took the manager hostage overnight.

3. Mang nghĩa "thực hiện hành động, giải quyết"

=to perform a particular action or series of actions / to do or to have something


  • Take a deep breath.
  • take action/steps/measures
  • take exercise
  • take a seat (=sit down)
  • take power/office
  • take cover (=hide)
  • take a risk
  • take (the) credit
  • take control/command
  • take responsibility

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Tom took a sip of his drink. 
  • I took a quick look at the audience. 
  • Let’s take a walk down to the river.
  • The government must take action to stop this trade.
  • You need to take more exercise.
  • Please take a seat. 
  • The new president will take office in January. 
  •  They’re shooting at us! Quick, take cover!
  • Can you take the risk that you might lose your money? 
  • I did all the work, but Gill took all the credit.
  • The rebels are taking control of the city. 
  • We must encourage fathers to take full responsibility for their children.

4. Mang nghĩa "đòi hỏi làm gì, cần yếu tố / thời gian"

=to need something / to need a particular amount of time to happen or to do something


  • take some doing (=be very difficult to do)
  • take something to do/be something
  • have what it takes (=have the qualities that are necessary)
  • take someone ten minutes/two hours etc

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Your odd behaviour is going to take a bit of explaining. 
  • It’s going to take some doing to persuade them! 
  • Admitting what she had done took a lot of courage. 
  • It takes talent and dedication to become a top dancer. 
  • It doesn’t take much to start her crying. 
  • it would take a strong man to move it (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: phải có một người khoẻ mới chuyển nổi cái này đi)
  • it does not take more than two minutes to do it (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: làm cái đó không (đòi hỏi) mất quá hai phút)
  • Do you have what it takes to be a teacher?
  • It’ll take a while to sort this out. 
  • Our meeting took much longer than I expected. 
  • The journey should take us about three days.

5. Mang nghĩa "chấp nhận yêu cầu, lời giải thích, xin lỗi"

=to accept an explanation or something that someone says without discussing it or arguing about it / to accept something that someone offers you


  • take someone’s word for it (=believe what someone tells you)
  • take it from someone (=believe them)
  • take something lying down (=accept something without any protest)
  • take (someone’s) advice
  • take it or leave it (=the offer will not change) = lấy  thì  lấy  không  thì  thôi  

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • You don’t have to take my word for it – ask anyone.
  • That’s the truth, take it from me.
  • I’m not going to take defeat lying down.
  • I’ve decided not to take the job
  • Sorry, we don’t take credit cards.
  • She won’t take my advice.
  • That’s my final price, take it or leave it.

6. Mang nghĩa "chịu đựng, chịu trách nhiệm"

=to accept an unpleasant situation or unpleasant treatment without complaining

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Please stop! I can’t take it any more. 
  • to take a beating (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: chịu một trận đòn)
  • to take all the responsibility (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: chịu hết trách nhiệm)
  • In this job you have to be able to take criticism.

7. Mang nghĩa "đạt giải, đạt bình chọn"

=to win a prize in a competition or a vote in an election

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Gladiator took the Oscar for best film. 
  • Who took the silver medal? 
  • The Labour Party took 45 per cent of the vote.

8. Mang nghĩa "lấy, ghì lấy, cầm, nắm, giữ lấy"

=to reach out and get something, especially with your hand


  • take someone by the arm/hand etc
  • take someone in/into your arms
  • take something in your hands

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Take as many cakes as you like. 
  • Let me take your coats. 
  • Her mother took her gently by the shoulders. 
  • he took her in his arms and kissed her (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: anh ta ôm cô ấy trong tay và hôn cô ấy)
  • I took the baby bird gently in my hands.

9. Mang nghĩa "học môn học, tham gia kì thi"

=to study a particular subject at school or college / to do an examination in a particular subject

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • I took a course in computer programming.
  • Are you taking algebra this year?
  • she takes her finals next summer (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: cô ấy thi tốt nghiệp vào mùa hè tới she took)
  • a first in English at Leeds (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: cô ta nhận được một văn bằng loại ưu về tiếng Anh ở Leeds) 
  • to take a degree at the university (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: tốt nghiệp đại học)
  • I took my driving test three times before I passed. 
  • She’ll have to take the exam again.

10. Mang nghĩa "tháo bỏ, tước, rời bỏ"

=to remove something


  • take something away from someone/something
  • take something out of something

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Take the knife away from her! 
  • These drugs should take the pain away.
  • Will you take the plates out of the cupboard? 
  • Government officials came to take soil samples from the factory site.

11. Mang nghĩa "lấy cắp"

=to steal something, or borrow it without the owner’s permission

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Who’s taken my pencil? 
  • someone has taken my gloves (IELTS  TUTOR  giải  thích: ai đó đã lấy cái găng tay của tôi)
  • The burglars didn’t seem to have taken much.

12. Mang nghĩa "chụp ảnh, đo cái gì"

=to get a picture or a measurement using a machine


  • take someone’s temperature
  • take a picture/photograph/photo

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The scientists will take more readings from the lava flow. 
  • They’ve taken several scans of her brain.
  • A nurse took his temperature every hour.
  • to take somebody's pulse (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: bắt mạch ai the tailor)
  • took my measurements for a new suit (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: người thợ may đo người tôi để cắt một bộ com-lê mới)
  • May I take a picture of the two of you?

13. Mang nghĩa "chiếm đóng, chiến thắng (cuộc thi)

=to get control of something from an opponent / to get something from an opponent in a game or sports competition

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The town was finally taken after a six-week siege.
  • Our new bowler took six wickets in his first match. 
  • Her bishop took my queen (=in the game of chess).

14. Mang nghĩa "được lấy từ, được trích nguồn từ"

=to get something from a book or collection of things


  • take something from something

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • The picture on page 5 is taken from their brochure. 
  • They played a selection of songs taken from Broadway musicals.

15. Mang nghĩa "sử dụng phương tiện giao thông / đường xá"

=to use a particular type of transport / to use a particular path or road


  • take a bus/train/plane/taxi etc

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • I usually take the bus to work.
  • Take the A14 as far as Cambridge. 
  • I usually take the M6 when I go to Scotland (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: tôi thường đi đường M 6 khi đi tới Xcốtlen)
  • We took a trail through the forest.

16. Mang nghĩa "chứa đựng, cần cái gì để hoạt động, đủ chỗ, chứa được"

=if a piece of equipment takes something, it uses that thing in order to work / if a piece of equipment takes something, it is able to accept the size or weight of that thing without breaking

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • What size batteries does your torch take? 
  • cars that take unleaded petrol
  • the bus takes 60 passengers (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: xe búyt này chở được 60 hành khách )
  • I don't think the shelf will take any more books (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: tôi cho rằng giá không chứa thêm được sách nữa)
  • The tank takes about twenty gallons of water. 
  • Careful – that shelf won’t take all those books.

17. Mang nghĩa "dùng bữa, ăn , uống"

=used in particular phrases meaning to eat or drink something, especially regularly


  • take milk/sugar/lemon
  • take food (=eat)

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Do you take milk in your coffee?
  • to take breakfast (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: ăn sáng, dùng điểm tâm)
  • They are refusing to take food.

18. Mang nghĩa "dùng thuốc, uống thuốc"

=to put a drug or medicine into your body

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • Take two aspirins and go to bed. 
  • No more than four pills should be taken in 24 hours.

19. Mang nghĩa "mang size số'

=used for talking about the size of clothes or shoes that someone wears

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • What size shoes do you take?

20. Mang nghĩa "xem như là, xét, hiểu là, hiểu ý"

=to understand someone’s words or actions in a particular way / to think about someone or something in a particular way / to use something in a discussion


  • take someone to mean something
  • take something the wrong way (=be offended)
  • take something as a compliment/an insult
  • take something as an omen/a sign
  • take something as proof/evidence of something
  • take something as something

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • He took her remark literally.
  • I took you to mean that you’d be there early.
  • Don’t take this the wrong way – I’m just trying to help.
  • He tries hard, but I just can’t take him seriously.
  • She took his remarks as a compliment.
  • They took the rainbow as a sign from their god.
  • she took what he said as a compliment (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: cô ta hiểu những điều anh ấy nói như là một lời khen)
  • do you take my meaning ? (IELTS  TUTOR giải thích: anh có hiểu ý tôi không?)
  • We can’t take his silence as proof of his guilt.
  • Let’s take that last point first.
  • I never throw anything away.
  • Take this car (=use it as an example) – it’s very reliable.
  • I’ll take his behaviour as an example of what I mean.

21. Mang nghĩa "thể hiện cảm xúc, quan điểm"

=to have or to show a feeling or opinion


  • take offence
  • take (an) interest
  • take a view/attitude

IELTS TUTOR xét ví dụ:

  • I’m afraid she took offence at my remarks.
  • He’s never taken much interest in his kids.
  • I take the view that children should be told the truth.

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